Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) was established in October 1989 as the second public University in Uganda. MUST has since grown from a single medical faculty university offering the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, serving a student population of 43 to 5642 students in six faculties and two institutes. As a science and technology institution, the University has strategically evolved as research and training institution focusing on disciplines that are relevant to National and International Development. MUST’s flagship Community Based Education, Research and Service engagement for all students provides a platform to understand, tackle and address community challenges geared towards contributing to sustainable development goals. With this niche of community engagement across all faculties, MUST produces high quality, real world experienced, and all-round employable graduates.

Innovations at MUST
The Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer (CITT) at MUST houses all innovations, skilling initiatives, technology transfer and commercialization efforts by both staff and students. The CITT focuses on prototyping, commercialization and experiential learning that complement the Skilling Uganda program. Some of the innovations at MUST include:

Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech) works to ascertain high quality affordable medical technology innovations to address health challenges in low- and middle-income countries. Some of the innovations at MUST are; Augmented Infant Resuscitator is a device that helps caregivers to effectively resuscitate newborn babies, PRISMS (protecting children remotely by SMS) is a mobile phone application that empowers front-line health workers to effectively manage sick or at risk new born babies between 0-28 weeks. Photo-Cupboard is designed to solve the lack of access to phototherapy required to treat jaundice in neonates, i-SOFT is a high-quality bio-fertilizer that is user and environmentally friendly using locally available biowastes. MUST has developed innovative drugs through exploring the use of traditional medicine under its Africa Centre of Excellence Pharm- Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine Centre (PHARMBIOTRAC) from which of the 30 PhDs being trained 11 have graduated, and from the 87 Masters being trained 42 have graduated so far with high number of international studentships. Additionally, RUFORUM has supported Natural Product Incubation at PHARMBIOTRAC Regional Incubation Centre through the RUFORUM Entrepreneurship Challenge Program (RECAP). Through this initiative, 10 Incubatees have been supported so far.

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