Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco is hosting a 15 days AgriEngage Summer School from the 4th to the 17th of July 2022. With funding from the European Commission Erasmus+ programme, through the project “Strengthening Agri-Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement Training in East, West and North Africa (AgriENGAGE)”, the Summer School will offer practical skills and competencies on agri-entrepreneurship and community engagement to 44 graduate students from Benin, Kenya, Morocco, and Uganda. The workshops will introduce and equip graduate students with knowledge and skills on strategic and design thinking, systemic innovation, business modeling and communication and other soft skills necessary to become successful agri-entrepreneurs and development facilitators.

Several topics from the above themes will be discussed in a practical manner including among others, innovation behaviors, design thinking, business modeling, ABC Finance, market research, data science in agriculture, and community engagement, personal mastery and soft skills, and communication skills for successful entrepreneurs and community development facilitators.  The delivery of the practically oriented summer School program adopts training and methodologies from Boot Camp programs. The interactive sessions are based on open discussions, and group exercises derived from the provided reading materials.

The Summer School is facilitated by implementing partners of the AgriEngage Project  – Egerton University, Pwani University, Gulu University, Uganda Martyrs University, University of Abomey Calavi, National University of Agriculture, UM6P, Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II, University of Pavia, University of Copenhagen and the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture

In the course of the workshops, the participants will put their learning into practice by developing entrepreneurial projects addressing the key problems faced by agricultural sector stakeholders in Africa, to be implemented together with farmers, NGOs, governments, and industries. The projects developed by the participants will be presented at the end of the Summer School in an open Restitution Day.

At the end of the AgriEngage Summer School, it is anticipated that the students will gain an entrepreneurial mindset, hone and practice their community engagement and communication skills for rural development in their respective countries and Africa as a whole.

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